Monday, November 19, 2012


The Blue Crew has had a successful week! First off, several teammates were back in action, having successfully recovered from various illnesses and injuries. Needless to say, they continued the upward trend of improving and personal-record-setting test pieces. We are all very happy to have them back practicing with us, and I congratulate them on their ability to seamlessly rejoin us in our training plan.

Our very own Rachel Coogan ’13 competed in The Philadelphia Marathon this past weekend, finishing with an extremely impressive time. Some of our teammates organized a secret, undercover banner-decorating operation, and the whole team got together to decorate a giant sign, which was put outside Coogy's door the night before the big race. She was pleasantly surprised as she left her room the next morning to compete, and was reminded that her whole team would be supporting her from afar.

Fun-day Fridays were continued off the water this week. Everyone got together for a Lemon Thai dinner, nail-painting, and simultaneous screenings of Mary Poppins and Runaway Bride. It was great to see everyone together again, and made me miss the real fun-day Fridays on the water, where we would dress up in various crazy outfits for morning practice on the water.

As a first-year, the transition into winter season has been great, and has made me love the team even more (which I didn’t think was even possible). I’ve noticed that everyone makes even more of an effort to see one another, in order to make up for each others’ absences in the early mornings. Although I enjoy sleeping in now, it’s nice to see everyone’s smiling faces at team meals and in the erg loft, as I look forward to spring mornings back on the Charles River.

I wish everyone a restful Thanksgiving break, and I look forward to seeing everyone upon my return to campus!

Megan Roberts ‘16

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