Monday, January 7, 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year from all of Blue Crew!

Armed with virtual work out groups, end of the year master mixes, and a high tolerance for crowded gyms during the new year rush, the entire team has been getting stronger and faster during our time away from campus, with only a short 45 days separate our team from spring season. In my opinion, spring season is the best part of our sport, and I cannot wait to start practicing starts and sprint sequences on the Charles as we transition to the standard 2,000 meter sprint races.

In the interim, I’ve been enjoying the Florida sunshine and doing other stereotypical tropical climate activities, such as tanning on Christmas Eve, running outside sans four layers of spandex and wearing flip flops without fear of frostbite. However despite Florida’s lovely temperate climate, I am slightly jealous of my many fellow teammates who have already returned to campus to participate in Wintersession but not that jealous to want to return to New England winter at the moment.  As a naïve Floridian, I’ve never experienced a true “New England Winter” which teammates have told me last until March, which both slightly scares and excites me. Needless to say, I received a lot of thick socks and sweaters for Christmas this year…

Regardless of weather concerns, 2013 marks the beginning of an exciting new year for Blue Crew. Whether it is a rower’s first or last sprint season on our team, everyone is ready to get back on the water and show our competitors our best ever season.

-Sierra Luther ‘16

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