Sunday, March 25, 2012

C-Town 2012 Recap:)

March 25

Spring break came and went even faster than expected.

We spent our last few practices working on our tans, the starts dance, and squirt gun skills (oh, and rowing).

Thursday night was the annual performance of skits. The first-years and novices raised the bar for all future years with a thirty-minute play, including multiple musical numbers, hilarious commercials and several references to my quads. The small but proud sophomore class performed this year, and the juniors continued the Class of 2013 musical number tradition, this time with more enthusiasm than preparation and several pushups from Ali. The captains rounded out the night with a short skit portraying our coaches, which involved many references to the long afternoons of seat-racing now behind us.

On Friday night we were treated to the yearly telling of Austin’s cat story. It never gets old. Sister gifts were shared and everyone took some time to enjoy one of the favorite spring break traditions: reading appreciations.

Saturday morning brought pouring rain, cooler temperatures than we’d seen all week and wind. The 1V and 2V had solid races against the Washington College eights, despite having to completely re-approach the starting line after being blown around by the weather. Then our four and novice and eight hit the course hard, despite rowing unopposed.

After racing, we had a chance to interact with the Washington College rowers, trading shirts and posing for some photos. We were also treated to a delicious feast provided by the parents (thanks again!) and a visit from Taylor’s dogs. After a quick trip to the hotel to gather our belongings and take lightning-fast showers, and after our last hurrah in the greatest dining hall on earth, we settled into the bus to spend our last afternoon with our driver Franco as we journeyed back north.

Now we’re all back on campus, missing the dried cranberries and soft-serve machine of the Washington College dining hall, along with the constant singing of “Heart Vacancy.” Additionally, no one made my bed for me this morning. In better news, we can now safely say this spring break was completely absent of the Franco WOD, during which in past years we have continued doing pull-ups, squats, etc. until the bus has arrived.

We got a lot done last week and bonded even more as a team. We’re ready to head back to the Charles tomorrow morning and find another level of speed this week in anticipation of our first spring race in Worcester.

Jennifer "Bamy" Lamy '13 

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